CBRE Asia Pacific
2016 Real Estate Market Outlook Series
Role: Creative Director & Head of Design, Asia Pacific
2016 marked the second year for the flagship Asia Pacific Real Estate Market Outlook series — complete with report releases, infographics and events. I created the concept and led implementation of the project rollout.
Ultimately, the clean editorial design was used globally as a template for 2016's Global Market Outlook, adopted in the United States and across EMEA.

2016 Asia Pacific Real Estate Market Outlook Report

This is the output vehicle published regionally in Asia Pacific, as well as locally by country. The cover image incorporated CBRE's latest branding, as well as a skyline including landmarks from each city hosting an event in 2016.

Market Outlook Report Localization
The Market Outlook report was templated and left to populate by local teams. The strong partnership between research and design/marketing ensured consistency and required final sign-offs before publishing.

2016 Asia Pacific Real Estate Market Outlook Infographic
To accompany the report, an infographic was created to summarize key points by business sector. This was customized by several APAC countries — sometimes even filling-in for the full report.

Market Outlook Event Website and Report Repository
Online news channels and social media featured content from the Market Outlook series. Therefore, a singular online destination on was developed. The page featured a fully-responsive design and easy viewing on mobile/tablet devices.
2016 Asia Pacific Real Estate Market Outlook Events
To accompany the report, several cities in Asia Pacific hosted events with local & regional research teams, MDs and CEOs to present the thought leadership to clients. 2015 had seen only 3 host cities, and 2016 saw 10+ — from Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong down to Sydney and Melbourne in Pacific.
WeChat, Interactive Signage
It was crucial that the creative direction was carried through all events and materials — including interactive tools during Q&As and WeChat specific conversations in China.

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